Friday, June 27, 2014

Shipshewana with mom+dad =)

A day with both my parents and just me!!!! This never happens!!!! and that’s what made it this trip that much more special=)

We left at 6:30 am…

…no 7:00 am

…no it was actually 7:30 am…haha

so much for telling my mom we needed to be gone by 6:30. It’s common knowledge around our house that whenever she ask what time we need to leave you need to tell her an hour sooner than you really want to leave. And then you’ll always get out of the house on time. I forgot this valuable information…so we were late=) but hey we had no time limit so what did it matter. (just I did in my head) We just needed to be in Shipshewana by 4:00 pm that afternoon (for my doctor appointment)…and we were=) Disclaimer: my mom knows we do this=) 

We visited the several local stores and the flea market. It was great fun! We all enjoyed ourselves very much and came home tired but happy.

My wonderful parents!!! waiting on our foodIMG_3251-001IMG_3244-001IMG_3248-001apple butter and their famous peanut butter spread…=)IMG_3249-001and leave it to me to forget to take pictures of our plates, because I was so hungry…this is a very serious problem of mine that I need to correct soon=PIMG_3260-001IMG_3262-001IMG_3265-001IMG_3267-001IMG_3269-001IMG_3277-001I don’t even drink tea that much and I wanted them all. They smelled so good=)IMG_3286-001IMG_3288-001

Happy Friday!!!

Hope your weekend is full of fun and family=) What are your plans…?
