Wednesday, September 17, 2014

~Photo-a-day~ Sept 10 – Sept 16

Vacation plus taking a picture a day equals looking through my pictures at the end of the day hoping there’s one that goes along with the word for that day. Sad I know, but with so much FUN going on it was hard to concentrate on something as simple as taking a picture.

North Carolina was AWESOME…I want to go back!!!!!!

My horse missed me. I missed him. Anyway we’re back together so everyone’s better.

I didn’t know how good our homemade food is, until I went a week without it.

I miss my brothers so much everyday and didn’t realize it until we were together constantly for a week. We even shared a room…”constantly together” took on a whole new meaning=)

We’ll more about this amazing week in a later post.

Trying to pull my life back together wasn’t hard except I never slept didn’t get much sleep while I was in North Carolina, so trying to catch up on that while not at work (yeah I’ve been nodding at my desk) has been difficult.

Day 253

~starts with a ‘B’~

book would be the word=) mom was reading to Isaac on the way out to the smoky mountains and back…reminded me of the many long car trips to and from church as a kid listening to her read these same books. IMG_8894-001

Day 254

~in the distance~

mountains….nothing but mountains everyway you looked=)IMG_8945-001

Day 255


a new place…I love hiking new places and there was so much here to go and see.IMG_9102-001

Day 256

~a friend~

I take for granite the life long friends we are so fortunate to have as siblings. As we get older and life takes on a faster pace and we see less of each other, I forget sometimes how special they are to me. IMG_9341-001

Day 257

~I wish for…~

I wish for many more vacations just like this one, one spent with family!!!IMG_9451-001

Day 258

~my shoes~

these shoe bags were Christina’s idea for an ideal flip flop and sandal storage. IMG_9469-001

Day 259


making my lunch for the next day the night before, has become a routine I try never to skip.IMG_9540-001

So that was my week…in a few pictures.

Which photo do you like best, please comment below and tell me=)
