Friday, January 24, 2014

All Atherton Guys…but not all the Atherton guys

So we’re having new carpet put in next Monday…so excited!  Then Christina and I get to move back into our room…pictures will follow of our new decorated, painted and carpeted room. Did I say “I’M SO EXCITED!?!?!?!?!”

Anyway…they guys went a head and pulled the carpet up around the entry and put in this hardwood entry way…it’s beautiful! It’s perfect!


The three Atherton guys who laid it…=) (the other two weren’t around that weekend)IMG_4277-001




What Jonathan’s boys were doing in the meantime…IMG_4308-001

Jonathan’s many face expressions as he slowly turns around after I’ve been bugging him for awhile…=)Entry Way2

Gotta’ love that face!IMG_4318-001

Isaac cleaning up…this job fall to him a lot, being the youngest and all. But believe me he’s better because of it. I trust him doing anything I do (besides cooking, haha) and I can’t say that about just any of the guys I know.Entry Way1

Mom grading school. Never ceases to amaze me how she can do this with all the conversations, etc. going on around her.IMG_4337-001

Dad watching the clean up process…he finally sat down! (Believe me it was the first time) If I could be more like this when I’m working on a project, seriously I think I’m entitled to a break after the first hour. And any excuse will work…head ache maybe=)IMG_4342-001

The piece of wood both Jonathan and Isaac wanted to put in. Mom said ‘'NO”. yeah it’s neat and all but it would stick out like a sore thumb. What do you think?IMG_4349-001

So that’s our new entry way…enough room for all of our boots. We won’t be destroying our carpet either….so a win/win, huh?



  1. Great pictures!!! I'm glad you captures that process :) In a memorable and artistic way! LOVE IT!!!!!

  2. Love the beautiful work of the men, Olivia :) And I especially loved seeing your Mama's smiling face...she's a great teacher! Please tell everyone 'Hi!' for our family!

    1. Awe...I know gotta love my mom=) I definitely will. Miss you all...
