Monday, June 30, 2014

Puppy in my office=)

My boss’s beagle hound Molly had puppies, five of them to be exact. Christina stopped by the other day, (seeing her always makes my day instantly better) I needed one picture for my photo-a-day photo but….

…the lighting was so good I just clicked away=) 


Tomorrows the first day of July and then we are exactly halfway through the year 2014! It's hard to believe, it has gone by so fast=) When I was a kid it always felt like the days went by so slowly and now as an adult I blink and the day is gone.

This saying is so true

“One day to me as a child, is like a week to me as an adult’’.


Friday, June 27, 2014

Shipshewana with mom+dad =)

A day with both my parents and just me!!!! This never happens!!!! and that’s what made it this trip that much more special=)

We left at 6:30 am…

…no 7:00 am

…no it was actually 7:30 am…haha

so much for telling my mom we needed to be gone by 6:30. It’s common knowledge around our house that whenever she ask what time we need to leave you need to tell her an hour sooner than you really want to leave. And then you’ll always get out of the house on time. I forgot this valuable information…so we were late=) but hey we had no time limit so what did it matter. (just I did in my head) We just needed to be in Shipshewana by 4:00 pm that afternoon (for my doctor appointment)…and we were=) Disclaimer: my mom knows we do this=) 

We visited the several local stores and the flea market. It was great fun! We all enjoyed ourselves very much and came home tired but happy.

My wonderful parents!!! waiting on our foodIMG_3251-001IMG_3244-001IMG_3248-001apple butter and their famous peanut butter spread…=)IMG_3249-001and leave it to me to forget to take pictures of our plates, because I was so hungry…this is a very serious problem of mine that I need to correct soon=PIMG_3260-001IMG_3262-001IMG_3265-001IMG_3267-001IMG_3269-001IMG_3277-001I don’t even drink tea that much and I wanted them all. They smelled so good=)IMG_3286-001IMG_3288-001

Happy Friday!!!

Hope your weekend is full of fun and family=) What are your plans…?


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

~Photo-a-day~ June 18-June 24

This week was so eventful from the ‘get go’. (I don’t know what ‘get go’ really means, but I’ve said it right along with all my family for well – my entire life) I went to Shipshewana for a Doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and for this trip I dragged my parents along…haha. WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! I was able to spend the entire day alone with both of my parents. this almost never happens anymore. We had such a good time, shopping, eating and (my favorite) people watching=)

I actually left my schedule book behind this weekend, as I headed down to a little town in southern Indiana, near French Lick, with the most dearlin’ name of Birdsong. (actually if you blink as you drive through it, you might miss this bitty town all together=) It was so freeing not to have my schedule with me, I didn’t HAVE to do anything…I felt lost that Friday evening without it and the next day a tiny bit, but I soon got over it and just enjoyed myself=)  I went there to visit a girlfriend who I met at work last spring. For some reason we clicked and have kept in touch, ever since she moved down there last winter. It was great to spend this much time together!  Four wheeling, hiking, great food, and a fun conversation was my weekend in a nut shell.

What was your weekend like?!?!?!


Day 169

~today I…~

today I went to Shipshewana with my parents=)IMG_3290-001

Day 170

~groceries~ IMG_3315-001

Day 171

~upside down~

adorable beagle hound puppy…born just days before this picture was taken=) IMG_3336-001

Day 172


yeah I forgot…so I just looked back through the pictures I took and whala I found this one of Katie’s earrings=) sometimes you gotta’ do what you gotta’ do=)IMG_3472-002

Day 173


my best friend…missed being with her so much this weekend, even though my time with friends was a blast=)IMG_3479-001

Day 174

~happiness is…~

happiness is watching new life begin, baby wrens - in our raspberry bushIMG_3503-001

Day 175


=) I absolutely love this lady! IMG_3518-001

Happy Wednesday!!!!!!

And please tell me which photo(s) you like the best=)



Friday, June 20, 2014

Father’s day…the games etc. Part 2/2

Now for the games on Father’s Day…they were so much fun!

First we played a handprint ID game…we all drew around our hands on a paper plate and put our name on the opposite side. Then dad had to guess which kid’s hand shape it was. All the left handed kids were spotted rather quickly=)

Then I did something for the little guys. I had my nephews JT and Max shave their dad and another one of my brothers (my brothers weren’t too thrilled about this=) but once JT caught wind of what was going on, he begged his dad and the contest was on). they used butter knifes to scrap the shaving cream off with. Of course JT won, he’s the oldest. But Max was by far the best to watch. First he takes his hand full of shaving cream and just loads it onto Samuel’s face. eyes and all were covered. Then he lost focus messing with the shaving cream on his hands=)

After the “trust me” or  “blind fold” game we had a sack race! Funniest thing you every saw. Watching them going down the yard hopping with all their might was too hilarious=) sometimes I think I come up with these games just to see what all I can get my siblings do. And of course I have to head up the games so I rarely participate. Besides I’m taking pictures=)

I took JT and Max to see the horses with Isaac….which, of course, turn into a scavenger hunt for horseshoes. They both found one! Its not like their not all over out in this pasture, where just horses have been kept for years. We all got muddy, me more than the rest – I had to carry JT over the creek aaaannnnd yeah, I slipped just a bit and but enough to splashed mud all over myself.

All in all Father’s day was a very eventful joyous day for our family! Enjoy the photos=)

IMG_2906We all have a particular Atherton trait to our hand shape…pretty cool seeing them all laid out – definitely siblings=)IMG_2910IMG_2911IMG_2913a very intense IsaacIMG_2918I <3 this picture of Samuel=)IMG_2919IMG_2970IMG_2974IMG_2978IMG_2988IMG_2991IMG_3005IMG_3007IMG_3010IMG_3016And the race is on!!!!!!IMG_3020IMG_3021IMG_3024IMG_3027IMG_3029IMG_3031IMG_3036IMG_3037Careful JonIMG_3040Okay he’s going down….IMG_3041yep…but if his hands touch the ground he’s outIMG_3042So he didn’t use his hands…lol that had to hurtIMG_3043IMG_3044IMG_3047Meanwhile Samuel crosses the finish line=) And we have a winner!IMG_3052Christina just stopped! haha IMG_3065Look at that face, beat all of his brothers, and that’s actually quite a feat….IMG_3074...and your not a winner without all the HIGH FIVES=)IMG_3080awe <3IMG_3085Isaac, gotta love that face=)IMG_3089I believe she might have broke a nail, hahaIMG_3093both uncle and nephew have their fingers in their mouth, they’ll love this photo one day=)IMG_3100all then of us with a gift from our dad, for father’s day – definitely the worlds greatest dad=)IMG_3106IMG_3112IMG_3115IMG_3117IMG_3120Business shirts from mom, dad loved them – he’s been wearing them ever sinceIMG_3125IMG_3134IMG_3159Happy ‘lil boy!IMG_3174we had to try some raspberries…it never ceases to amaze me how much one berry can do to a child’s face/ hahaIMG_3178IMG_3192IMG_3197IMG_3205IMG_3212

What did you all do on Father’s Day? now that you know what ours was like…=)


